DIY Bowl Covers
Growing up my grandma always had a hack, buying shower caps and using them as bowl covers. Over the years I’ve seen DIY’s take it upon themselves to make super cute ones with their machine. And I’ve been wanting to do a simple quick project with my machine and I thought these would be perfect. It didn’t require a bunch of weird materials, and everything required to make the bowl cover, I’d done before for other projects.
I chose a light checkered piece of material, mostly because I thought it was going to make a super cute bowl cover. I expect my first one to be covered with mistakes, and of course, I trace the size of the bowl on the material, and measure out 2 inches all around, and on one of the curves, I’m off by barley 1/8th of an inch. But I think I will be able to still work with it. I’m having to cut the elastic since I don’t have the right size, so it gives me a tiny bit of freedom with how much I’ll be folding it down.
- Fabric
- Bowl
- Elastic
- Sewing Machine
Your gonna start by tracing your bowl around so you can then 2 inches outside of that. This is the most important step because if you trace your bowl and give no room for the elastic, its not going to fit your bowl, cause it will be too small.

This is the step where if I could have found my iron, would have made this LOADS easier. Cause you want to measure 1/5 an inch and fold it down. If you have an iron, and you measure and press it down before you sew, I find it normally makes it a lot easier.

Your gonna sew that hem down, close to the edge so you have room for the elastic to go through. And make sure you leave about a 2 inch gap so you can feed the elastic inside the hem.
I find its easy to feed elastic using a safety pin, but everyone has their own preferences. Once you feed the elastic all the way through, you can either hand sew both ends of the elastic together, or you can use your machine.
Once you sew the elastic, your able to then close your gap, again, either by hand or machine, and the Voila! You have your own cute bowl cover.
All in all, this is a really simple project, and I’ll probably wind up making a few more. But probably not until I find my iron. Having to pin it down and not being able to iron it down, really had me struggling. Once I have my iron, I feel like they will look better. I also need to get better about cutting circles. This project helmed me realize just horrible I am at cutting out fabric circles.
At the end I’ll post the tutorial I followed for this. I urge you, if your looking for a way to save a couple bucks, or maybe your trying to use up some scrap material, give this a try, I’d say for the most part its a very good tutorial for those who are trying to practice sewing.