DIY Scrub

I’m not normally the type of person who is eager to make these DIY beauty hacks, and things. But a coworker was educating me on the benefits of a sugar scrub, and that sat in the back of my mind for a good few weeks until one stormy day I decided it was time to try making it.

All of the ingredients I had on me, Sugar, Olive oil, Essential oils, Vanilla, and Epsom salts. I did a quick mix of all the ingredients in a mason jar, and the first thing I noticed was that even though I used Lavender essential oils, it still turned out to be the color of the olive oil. Instantly I thought next time, potentially adding some dried lavender to it, and ways to improve upon this very simple recipe. But I had to slow myself down, I don’t even know if this is a worth while product. I mean after all, how could sugar, salt and some smelly stuff be good for you?

The first thing I noticed with the Lavender Vanilla, is that when I used it on my hands, it left them feeling so nice. And I just a little bit, scrubbing it in like I would soap, and rinsed it all off, gently pat drying them. It left them feeling great, and moisturized, and soft.

Great Exfoliation!

Sugar scrubs are a great way to exfoliate your skin. Being such a good exfoliator, a sugar scrub is something you really don’t need to use more than once a week.

Easy, homemade anti ager!

Sugar scrubs are so easy to make, and with it being made from super simple, easy to come by materials- its probably the easiest way to fight aging! Studies have shown that a sugar scrub, used once a week, helps slow down the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Bye, Bye Ingrown Hair!

Using a sugar scrub helps fight those pesky ingrown hairs! I also recommend using your sugar scrub right before shaving- just trust me, you’ll be glad you did!

Why not just give it a try!

Epsom salt, sugar, essential oils, and a carrier oil. That’s all you need! I did lavender because its one of my favorite scents, and I use my scrub at night when I need the help relaxing. But that doesn’t mean you have to do the same! I used Olive oil, because that’s just what I had, and, it adds extra benefits with olive oil being high in antioxidants. It took all together less than 10 minutes to make and now I have a good supply for a month or more, to use before. It leaves my skin feeling great and it leaves me feeling like I’ve done something good for myself, and lets face it, if your a working mom/wife like I am, you need as much of that as you can get!

Do you like sugar scrubs? Why/Why not?

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