Garden Update: September
Its now September. and the weather is at a point where were having one more final heatwave before it starts cooling down and transitioning into fall.
My summer 2024 garden I 100% consider a success, because of the fact that I have harvested a few things from it, and the fact that as of this month, we will be heading into fall weather and I still have living things producing things outside. In the past, with the colder mornings now I would have rather stayed in my nice cozy home, but now, I’ve watered at the same time for so long now that its second nature.
That does mean though that I’m having to really check in and remind myself that this will be my first attempt at a Winter garden, and not to let my summer garden success make an effect on what I expect for my winter. Its going to be very different weather, which is going to effect the results. I know it will because I’m a very Trial and Error type of person.
But what’s still kicking after this long?

Bell Pepper
The Very first thing I planted, bell peppers. From seed at that! it may have taken all summer to get any kind of a harvest, but I got one, and so that is my first successful from seed not starter- plant. As of this post, it has two very small bell peppers growing on it, that seems to be getting bigger and bigger every week (that’s when I notice growth anyway.

There’s not much change to this one. In July it was not enjoying the heat, but never actually died. Since that horrid heat wave, its slowly but surely returning to life once more. At this point, its got green fragrant leaves again, but it hasn’t started producing any Lavender buds again.
Spider Plant
Not too much change in my spider plant. I’m still trying to find the right spot for it. Its still green, and Its still producing shoots.

My strawberries seem to be gradually getting bigger, but I don’t know how much longer I can continue to expect them, I’m guessing that as Its closer they will get smaller again and or even just quit growing all together.
My blackberries are doing great! They could be better but at this time, they still produce flowers and they try to create blackberries, but something is preventing them from actually turning into blackberries. What that is, I’m not sure.

Yellow Summer Squash
My Yellow squash is still growing. I have small squash’s on the plant, I even harvested my first squash off that plant last week, And I’ve also been pollinating what I Can, and I’ve seen bees on that plant too.

Carrots and Lettuce
these two plants I’m starting from seed, and its for my winter garden. Some of my plants will die back a bit in the winter and come back in the spring. Other plants like my squash I think will wind up dying and then I’ll replant next year. I planted the carrot and Lettuce seeds on Sunday, and have been watering them any time the soil is dry.