Homemade Citrus Cleaner

Vinegar. Its probably one of if not the most natural cleaner you can use. Personally? I have a spray bottle that I have with part white vinegar, part dawn platinum soap, and the rest water. But no matter what, it always has that strong vinegar smell when you spray it, and for some that vinegar spray is bothersome, or just plain irritating/annoying.
How did this saga start? Honestly? As an experiment. When I was really into crafting, and I had just moved into my home, I wanted to take junk, and make something out of it. And I remember thinking as I peeled my daughter a cutie, “There’s got to be something decent I can make out of these scraps” I mean, you can make a delicious broth out of chicken or beef bones. Why cant one do the same with fruit scraps? Citrus fruit always seems to have a good hearty peel.
I didn’t know about how much I’d need to make a difference though. So it was definitely trial and error. And this would work with ANY kind of citrus. I usually wind up doing it with oranges, or lemons. And I always have a gallon of white vinegar on hand for pickling, and cleaning.
To make a citrusy smelling cleaning solution you need a jar. What size jar just depends in how many peels you have. I was able to fill up a baggie filled with orange peels, so I’m just using a regular pint mason jar. The recipe is literally as simple as this

-Mason Jar
-Citrus peels
Put the citrus peels in the mason jar and cover with vinegar. Let it sit a minimum a week. The longer you let it sit the more infused it will become. You’ll want to at least take out the citrus peels when your ready to store it (if you make a large batch anyway) I only use maybe a 1/4tth to 1/2 cup of vinegar at a time for my spray cleaner which is still a simple recipe:
1/4th – 1/2 cup Vinegar
2TBSP Dish Soap (I use Dawn platinum)
I put all the ingredients in a spray bottle ( and really I eyeball measure everything) and use it for cleaning my stove, or countertops. For stuck on items I spray and wait 5 minutes, spray again and then scrub/wipe down.
Did you try this ? How long did you let it sit? Did it work?