Horrors of the Unknown
If you know me at all, then you know I like to be prepared for things. I like to plan things, and I like to know what to expect so I’m not going into something with no knowledge of anything.
2024 marks the end of an era. Since 2014 Daniel has ran a internet business. For literally a decade we’ve struggled trying to get it off the ground. Oh sure, we had successful years, but it never really took hold. And then of course to get cancer kind put us all in a bad place since it left Daniel unable to do a lot.
Working in the Internet business was never what he wanted, however he was good at it. And then he took on a 2 way Radio business that he enjoyed a bit more. Everything, came to a screeching halt when he was diagnosed with cancer in early 2023.
Working in Technology in one form or another has been my husbands career since well before he turned 18; first starting out as a Board Operator, putting shows on to air before a computer took over sometime in 2010. So now were looking at the future and he’s looking at all the things he enjoys doing: Cooking, Automotive repair, and Web Development.
However, this also means that we wont have internet for some time. The thought is almost prehistoric now, its been a luxury to have the best plan being the owners. Now were down to using our Wi-Fi hotspot through AT&T. Which- One should be thankful its even an option right? Isn’t it interesting how technology has spoiled us so much that the thought of having to change your usage even a little bit puts anxiety in your throat.

How will things be different? The biggest thing is we wont have home internet. Here’s the funny part. Daniel will have more time to get stuff done. Financial wise, nothing changes. So it sounds like there’s really nowhere to go but up- but the unknown, I can’t be the only one who’s terrified of it.

But this also means, no more Tower Climbing.
No more Mountain top trips at 11pm.
More time as a family.
More Memories.

When you train your brain to focus on the positive, and you cling on to those positive tidbits while you go through a transition, I find it easier to deal with. You may not like it. You may not completely know what is going to happen still, but I find if you dwell, assuming the worst will happen, it will just cause your anxiety to skyrocket. And I don’t have time for that. I got shit to do.
It does help to have an awesome support system. We both have an awesome support system, parents and friends who help us whenever we need it, both mentally, and physically.
Will my blog still be happening? Oh sure. But don’t be surprised if you find a lot more Dollar Store/ Frugality posts while I tumble through this new phase of our families life.