October Garden Update
Well, this month we’ve had some unexpected changes, both good and bad. There have been significant changes to the garden, additions, new placements, and the thought of something new coming up down the road.

Lettuce and Carrots
The lettuce and carrots have now moved to their more permanent home, in the ground. There’s still one lettuce plant that’s not doing the best that I Was waiting to transplant, but I might just rip off the band aid and transplant it anyways.
My Carrots grew little tops, and they’re growing and doing Great! I planted them along with my lettuce, and as they get taller, I’ve been adding more dirt.

My summer squash is defiantly starting to slow down. I still get male and female flowers, but most of the time the female flowers don’t open enough to get pollinated. The leaves are yellowing which tells me that its probably not getting the nutrients it needs. Were getting shorter days, and the temperature is very varied, as is the weather.

My blackberry plant is doing good, its stopped flowering for the season, but the leaves are still green and its pretty much just readying itself for winter. Its almost 3 years old, so at this point, I Feel like its pretty hearty. It might die back a bit though.

My strawberry plant is STILL producing ripe strawberries. My son eats every last one! It also produced its first shoot this year! So I planted it, and so far I’ve kept it alive! So we will see if it grows and stays with us. I’m hopeful both strawberry plants will survive the winter. I’ll be doing my research so that I Can get prepared.

I haven’t really gotten any more lavender flowers, which I expected. The plant has come back to its typical color after its issues in July. I don’t really expect to see it flower again until after the winter.

Bell Pepper
So, my Bell Pepper was doing great until the Hornworm Invasion. In reality I’m probably over exaggerating a little bit, but it has been really struggling to flower since. I had one hornworm on the plant 2 days in a row, and I’d catch him in the mornings when I’d go out and water. The plant itself is still green, but its really not wanting to flower again since. Is it the Hornworm? Or is it the fact that our weather started changing around that same time too? Honestly, I’m sure its the weather. But those Hornworms about made me scream when I saw them destroying my plant.

I’ve also started to try and re-grow Celery.. Weather or not its gonna work yet, I’m unsure. Were still in the early stages. I’ll let you know how it turns out.
Overall, I’d say my plant life is still successful. Typically, I’d just stop watering, which would be the first step in just letting things go. But this year, Even if I don’t water, I ALWAYS make it a point of checking on my plants every morning. Sometimes, its a quick thing, other times it takes me longer cause I need to water, or do pest management.