Quick and Easy Button Repair
When I got home there was a button on my desk.
But not just any button. This was a small button from a man’s shirt.
I recognized it from my husbands flannel. One of his thicker flannel shirts. My husband is the type of guy who doesn’t throw something out just because its ‘out of style’ he wears it until it is damaged in some way. Maybe the material is visibly getting thin, or maybe there’s a good sized rip.

Its a very basic fix. One that I’m just going to do with a needle and thread. And being that the shirt is a dark blue and a black, I could use either color of thread. But I can see from the other buttons who ever put the buttons on used black, so that’s what I’ll be using today.
Sewing on buttons can sound intimidating, but its really not.
The first thing I personally do, is get all the extra thread that is still wrapped around the button. That will make it easier for me to access the hole with my needle. After that, I like to poke my needle around the area the button needs to be, usually I’ll put about half the needle through, to get a good idea on if its in the right spot. If it is, then I’ll pull the needle completely through and put the button through the needle (picture below).

Then, its just a repetitive stitch until the button feels like it is on securely. When it is, make sure you cut and tie off your thread so that the button doesn’t fall off right away.
Sewing a button is really very simple, even for the beginner seamstress to do. And just because sometimes we loose the button and don’t always have the extra cash to go get a new shirt, or a new button, when I do finally officially retire the shirt, and its no longer wearable, I’ll be taking off every one of those buttons. Because now, if another one of his shirt buttons pop off, and I can’t find the button, I’ll have one that more than likely will look just like if not similar to these ones.
Todays society I feel revolves around too much of ‘lets just get another one’ instead of ‘lets work with what we have’. And a lot of it I know is “well I don’t know how”
And that’s why I do what I do, and write the posts that I write.