Discover the Art of Wax Melts: A Beginner’s Guide to Creating Fragrant Home Ambiance
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Discover the Art of Wax Melts: A Beginner’s Guide to Creating Fragrant Home Ambiance

One of my very first posts was about making Candles. And I still do make candles, but when I make candles, I like them to have interesting vessels. Like a teacup for example. So For those I typically go to the thrift store, which I haven’t been to as of lately. So what’s a gal…

Candle Making

When I was a kid, both my parents smoked. and my parents (mostly my dad) went through these phases where he’d make an attempt at making the house smell better by recycling candles. Any candles my mother would get from work as gifts would get melted down and placed in a large mason jar. Well,…