Vito Turns 6!
This last week my Rainbow baby turned 6. He’s been in the world just as long as it took to conceive him. After my daughter was born, we discovered I had PCOS when my husband and I were trying for a baby with absolutely no luck. It also helped make since of a lot of the other things that had been happening to my body; and the difficulty I had loosing weight. Between failed cycles, miscarriages, and breaks in trying, it took 6 years. My daughter, was 6 when we got pregnant with Vito, and Vito was even born, on the 6th of March.

And so now he is turning 6. The golden Birthday. Anytime I asked my son what he wanted, he said “Chocolate cake, with chocolate frosting and strawberries” So, I made him a chocolate cake (see my soda can cake post for the recipe!) and then I put on a store bought can of whipped chocolate frosting, plus sugar letters and Vito put sliced strawberries on it, literally everywhere.
Flash back to 6 years ago. I remember exactly what put me in labor. I remember being busy with Daniel that day, doing errands around town, and stopping at the Outback for Dinner. He had a bacon cheeseburger, and I remember having a steak, with mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli. I was surprisingly ravenous, finishing everything off my plate ( which is a rarity for me, even pregnant). Afterwards, he took me for a walk on of the many river trails we have here in Shasta County, before picking up our daughter from my mothers house, and going back home.

Now what should have clued me in, is that unless I’m sick, I don’t take naps. I’m just not a napper. When I got home, it was only about 6pm. And I sat on the couch, and passed out until Daniel woke me up at 11 to go to bed. That’s when I had my first contraction. But it was so quick I barley noticed. I went back to sleep until 3am. That’s when the pain woke me up. I did the breathing, trying to manage it before waking up Daniel. Ultimately, I wound up taking a shower until the contractions seemed like they stopped. I was only able to sleep for one more hour before I Woke up Daniel, telling him I thought I needed to go to the hospital.
I hated waking up Daniel, since usually he’s grumpy when you wake him up. But this time I think the adrenaline kicked in, and we rushed right to the hospital, my mom picking up my daughter once I was settled in a room and definitely staying. Labor progressed much faster than with my daughter, and my son was born by 2pm, and I still remember my first after labor meal. a California Classic from Carl’s Jr. with a Coke.
Six years later and I couldn’t imagine my life without my little man. He brings so much joy to our family that its hard to even picture a life without him.