Essential Items for Managing a Miscarriage

One blog post ago, I wrote about my experience with Infertility, and you now know this is my 5th pregnancy loss. This time around, I was given, a “Miscarriage Kit”

What is in this kit? We’ll I’ll tell you.

This kit, is made by Anora. And it has everything you need to send in your baby to be tested, to find out (hopefully) Why someone has so many losses. Specimen cup, a vial fora some blood or a saliva sample. In my case its hard for me to fathom why because I’ve had 2 successful pregnancies. My body has proven that it can do it!

That doesn’t mean you wont need anything during your miscarriage however. I’ll break down some things I got because I’m using a miscarriage kit, as well as things to have during any miscarriage that I found helpful.

1. Pain Relief

Not just any pain relief. Avoid Ibuprofen at this time, and I would suggest Tylenol. Taking a blood thinner at a time when your going to bleeding more than usual has always just seemed like a bad idea to me.

2. Toilet Hat

This is one of those items you put under your toilet seat. It can help catch any clots as your gonna need to find certain parts to put in your specimen cup to send in, as well as a blood or saliva sample. At this time I haven’t actually started the miscarriage process yet, but I feel like having this will make it easier to collect everything (and its called a Toilet Hat at Walmart by the way)

3. Support System

It’s important to have “Your person” with you during this process. For me, that’s my husband Daniel. My 4th miscarriage we found a video game to play to keep me busy. During another miscarriage he was beside me, but both of us were doing different things. He is amazing about going with the flow, getting me what I need or want, and also knowing when I need help staying busy. There’s a reason he’s my person.

4. Comfort Foods

Your going through a lot during this time. So I recommend on stocking up on comfort foods and some sweets that you enjoy. You may not want it when the pain is at its worst, but in-between those moments they are nice to have nearby.

5. Stuff to do/Tv Show

For most of my miscarriage I had something to do at the ready. It might be embroidery while watching a TV show, it might be a video game, it might just be finding a game on my phone (such as candy crush as of lately) Your not gonna want to do much of anything, but if you can force yourself to stay busy, it does help the time go by a bit faster. And if I cry to much my eyes have a tendency to burn. So while I allow myself those times to cry, I have to make sure I also have ways of calming down, because the last thing I want is for my eyes to burn and become even more miserable.

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