Turn Bread Heels into Homemade Breadcrumbs: Waste Less, Enjoy More!
Does anyone out there actually enjoy the heels of the bread ? For me, its my least favorite piece. And because I have the attitude “Waste not want not” When it gets to those pieces I will usually wind up putting them in the freezer. And very rarely will I use them. I don’t think about it!
Until today that is! Cause I wanted to make homemade chicken nuggets, and low and behold, I didn’t have any breadcrumbs. Then I realized, why have I been buying them when I literally have frozen bread to make it with. I’m going to do simple, basic unseasoned, that way I can season it based on the recipe.
Oh, and let me preface this recipe by saying I do not own a toaster. Its more convenient sure, but needed? Nah. If I want to toast something, I jus set my oven to 350 and toss it in there, monitoring closely.

To make breadcrumbs, your gonna wanna toast your bread. So, what I do, is just toss the pieces of bread in the oven and wait for it to get toasty, but if possible, not golden brown. Don’t do what I did and forget to set a timer. I’d set a timer for 3-4 minutes and then check your bread. You’ll know when its toasted by feeling the tops of the bread. Once your bread is toasted, rip off pieces and put them in your food processor, turning it on and making well…breadcrumbs!
So once were at this point is your chance to season em for Italian breadcrumbs, or whatever you so choose. I plan on leaving this batch plain, so that I have endless possibilities on what to do with them. I’ll probably use these breadcrumbs for something simple, like a baked mac n cheese.
Do you make homemade breadcrumbs or just buy them?