Transform Cake Mix into Delicious Cookies with This Simple Recipe
For years I always thought a cake mix had to be made as per the box instructions. Until years ago I remember my mother in law mentioning something about getting a box of cake mix and using it to make cookies. At the time, my mind didn’t fully process it until years later when my husband and I are both sitting in our living room, its like 10pm or so, and were craving something sweet. I remember the words of my Mother in law and did a quick google search to get the measurements of everything. and I just so happened to have a chocolate cake mix.
This recipe is a great one for kids just learning how to bake. Epically with it being so customizable! I’ve done a yellow cake mix with chocolate chips to make a ‘sort of’ chocolate chip cookie, and I’ve done a chocolate cake mix with white chocolate chips for the reverse look! Both ways, are absolutely delicious! And the best part is, once you put them in the oven, these cookies are typically done in 10-12 minutes.

1/2 cup oil
2 eggs
Nuts, Chocolate chips, ect (optional)
Box cake mix (any flavor)

Preheat oven to 350
Mix ingredients until they are all incorporated.
Add any extras and mix (Nuts, Chocolate chips, ect)
Scoop on parchment lined baking sheet and bake 10-12 minutes
* Let cool before eating *