Celebrating Togetherness: Unveiling Heartwarming Thanksgiving Traditions
Every family has their version of thanksgiving Traditions. For some, its going somewhere, for others its what you cook that day, or what you do.
In the 14 holidays Daniel and I have spent together, we have kind of made our own family traditions. Some have stayed the same, where others have evolved and changed over the years. This year, I’d like to share some of our traditions, with you.

Cooking the bird
One Tradition that started probably the 3rd or 4th year we were together, is the cooking of the Turkey. Its always Daniel. Might be at my moms house, might be at his moms house, some years its been at ours. But Daniel, is the one that is cooking the turkey.
Games are Played
Usually they are card games, or games that are easy to play, or easy to pause (that way Daniel can play in between checking on the turkey) This is one of those traditions that I didn’t realize was a tradition until I started thinking about this post, and then I realized, we’ve done it just about every year he’s cooked a turkey.
Pies are made
A tradition that has somewhat evolved over time is the pies. At first I was great about only using my Great Grandmothers crust recipe. And then I got lazy. And in the last 5-6 years I’ve been good at using her recipe again. Typically we will have a pumpkin pie, and I’ll ask for Daniels opinion on the other one. As I hate fruit pies.
Cinnamon Rolls for breakfast
This is one I honestly started because they were on sale. And that thanksgiving morning when I made them for breakfast Daniel and I had coffee, while we made the kids hot coca. We all just spent the morning together, which, for us is kind of rare. It was nice, and its been a tradition ever since.
What are your thanksgiving day traditions?