Garden 2024
I have a wanna be green thumb. By which I mean I can sort of keep plants alive, but my skills could use some improvement. Usually every year I improve upon my previous years garden, but am faced with new challenges.
Over the years I’ve decided to keep trying to grow certain plants, giving up on others (for now) I’m thankfully surrounded by people who love to garden, who I always can go to for advice on one problem or another. So I’ve got a few plants that I can usually grow rather well, and a few that I still need some help on.

This year, I have a Lavender and a Blackberry plant, and a Geranium that I have managed to keep alive for over a year now. My three most successful plants yet. I’ve even managed to start harvesting from my lavender plant. I’ve been plucking the lavender off and drying them to make Salves, lotions, and salts.

I’ve also started clearing out the spot where my zucchini will go. tall weeds have grown and I have to prepare my dirt, sooner than later. I’ve never been successful with zucchini so I am trying to put it fully in the ground this year instead of a container. And to do that, I have to really prep the area its going to be going in. A bush was once there, and we finally cut it down and got the root out, and now its time to get that soil nice and fed and healthy to produce me lots of zucchini for lots of bread!
I’ve also got pots set aside for my Two yearly tomato plants. (Ever since my daughter was born I’ve grown 2 tomato plants for her because of how much she loves em) and my Strawberry plant for my son (same reason).
Usually, I’ll ask for a garden for my birthday, And my mom will go shopping with me where I pick my traditional plants plus anything I may need such as potting soil, and that weekend as long as its still nice, I’ll have the rest of my garden planted. How successful it will be this year? I’m not sure yet, but I’m hopeful its more successful than last years.