Garden Update: August
Would you believe I’ve written this dang post 3 different times? Three! Huge thanks to WordPress for not saving the draft like I told it too.
Some my garden updates for this month aren’t so depressing this time, YAY!
My yellow squash plant, which was only producing male flowers for 85% of this summer, finally started producing female flowers, and I’ve even got my first few squashes that will be ready soon!

My bell pepper plant, stayed small, but I finally have the first start of a flower on it today! I’m not sure if it will produce anything; but I’m glad its finally flowering! I’m unsure of why it stayed so small.

My lavender is starting to come back now that our scorching temperatures have left us (hopefully for the rest of the summer). My spider plant, which I really need to put in a better pot, continues to have babies and is still staying green.

The Blackberries and Strawberries are both producing. So far the Blackberries has lots of flowers but no actual fruit, whereas my strawberries are getting teeny, tiny strawberries on them.

My tomatoes and in ground zucchini are struggling to come back after our week of 120 temperatures. So when I go to add my fall garden, there’s a good chance I’ll just rip those plants out a little earlier than expected. I’ve got lettuce and mesclun to plant for the fall/winter. And potentially more if I can get to the store on time. I’m excited to keep you all updated on how my garden does in the upcoming months!