Garden Update- July
This heatwave has put quite the bump in the road for my garden.
At first, i noticed it was just my little flower sprouts that didn’t like it. That I could understand, I started them pretty late. But then I noticed my zucchini wasn’t enjoying it, my blooms were starting to slow down drastically.
My tomatoes, while a couple of the leaves got a bit burnt, overall they didn’t seem to phased by it. Epically since during the bad heat I’d water multiple times a day (but never in the heat of the day).
My green beans, right before the heatwave, started producing again and at the moment I have 3-4 green beans I’m waiting on to ripen.

That’s when I also decided I needed to make my tea. That way if I’m having to water my garden multiple times a day, if I make my garden tea out of my kitchen scraps, they can get some plant food while also getting some water.
What is Garden Tea?
Garden tea is simple. All you do is collect anything you’d put in a compost. Accept put it in a jar, with some water, and let it sit. Certain things will give your garden certain nutrients. And I personally like it because your still using every bit of the fruit/Veg/etc., and if your like me and cant have a compost where your at, its just as good.

In a nutshell, my garden this month isn’t doing as good as I had hoped, but the weather app on my phone says my garden should do much better now, and once I maybe transfer my green beans to a bigger pot, and give them something to climb, and with the heat going down, hopefully I can get some blooms on my plants back.