Garden Update: May
My garden has been in for a few weeks now, if not a month already and wow have there been changes! I’m so ecstatic because most of them are good, no…GREAT changes too. Now for a refresher on what I planted, go see my other post about my garden HERE
My sunflower is growing tall, and I should really find a better pot or planter for it. Its still happy right now, but I know it’d be happier in a bigger pot. My geranium is about the same, although its starting to flower now, so yay! No huge changes for my cabbage or lavender, My strawberry, my son has already picked and eaten about 3 off the plant and one more is close to being ripe, and more are getting bigger.

My blackberry has some major changes. My first batch of blackberries are turning red and getting closer and closer to their final color. This one I’m probably most excited about cause I have quite a few that are turning that red color. And then there’s my Zucchini, and OH MY GOODNESS! Its getting so big! and It has its first flower blooming! My tomatoes are going great too, both of them have two tomatoes growing on it, that are almost just as heavy as the plant itself!

Through the help of google, I’ve discovered that the zucchini flower that bloomed is a male, and I can see a female that’s close to blooming. I also know the last problem I had with my zucchini was that it wasn’t getting pollinated because no matter what flowers I have or don’t have, my area just doesn’t get very many bees. Thankfully I’ve already seen more bees this year than I have in previous years.

I’m very happy, cause it seems like I’m gonna have a bountiful harvest this year. I can’t wait!