Deliciously Simple Chocolate Cake Mix: Bake Your Perfect Treat Today!
Normally a boxed cake mix is part of every grocery list, there great to have on hand if you need to whip up a quick cake, or cookies, or whatever the case may be. And what’s funny, is with my love for homemade, and homesteading, making a cake mix from scratch didn’t even occur to me until my husband mentioned it.
With Daniel being unemployed now, he’s been looking at the pantry, and we’ve been getting rid of stuff we just wont use, and while he was doing that we were also making a grocery list, and he mentioned wanting to do a cake mix from scratch, instead of getting the boxes. And once I looked it up, it makes 100% since! I have everything needed for a basic Vanilla cake mix, or Chocolate.
I saw one woman, who put her cake mix in a bag and taped the instructions to it. Another woman put it in a jar and taped the instructions to the jar. What’s my way going to be ? I’m no sure yet. Lately it depends on what I have. I personally like the idea of putting it in a jar, because that would fit best in my pantry, but I’m running low on rings and lids so weather or not it will be going in a jar is still up in the air.

1 3/4 cups sugar
2 cups flour
3/4 cup Cocca Powder
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp Salt

Mix dry ingredients and store until ready to use.
To make the mix into a plain chocolate cake, mix together 4.5 cups of the premade mix, with 1/2 cup melted butter, 1/4 cup of milk, and 3 eggs, and 2tsp Vanilla.
Cook at 350 until a toothpick inserted into the cake comes out clean.
Typically, when your making a cake mix, your either using a 13×9, or two 8 or 9 inch rounds. But maybe you don’t have those. No matter what dish you use, as long as the tooth pick or butter knife comes out clean, your cake is done and ready to come out of the oven. Typically, I am making a 13×9 and it takes about 30-35 minutes. But it always depends on your oven.
This recipe is easy to double and make in bulk, which is what I’m going to be doing. I love this find because I literally have had all these ingredients, and I have them 90% of the time.