Husband’s Beloved Motorcycle Stolen in Broad Daylight
As I write this, I should be at work. But thanks to the thief who stole my husbands motorcycle I’m unable to.
When my husband got this temp job, installing security cameras, our family was able to financially breathe again. And with his new motorcycle, we could both work at the same time. I could take my car, he his motorcycle.
It was going wonderfully, until Tuesday, October 15th. My husband left at 5am to get to his job, in corning California by 8am. The morning was going as it typically did here in town, I had no concerns. Until 6pm rolled around and my husband texts me:
“Getting a ride home. Will explain later”
Okay, if that doesn’t give a wife a worry or two that woman’s crazy. But, I waited. and when my husband stepped out of the van he rode home in, he got out. his stuff got out. But….no bike. Where’s the bike!?
When I asked about it I recognized that familiar look on his face. He informed me of the bike being stolen and went inside to deal with the aftermath. of calling the police, grabbing his documents regarding the bike, to take with him to the police station.
It was a long tiring night, and of course while he was dealing the the police i am typing on the computer, posting on any Facebook group I can, while also trying to arrange a ride to work the last 3 days of the week. But Alas. its so last minute, everyone I know is busy, or has somewhere to be. And I have to take the kids to school first, and everything’s just a mess.
But I’ve been working longer. And even though I’m not the one with a temp job, Daniels job is on a time limit, and he hasn’t been working long enough to even have pto. if you even get PTO for temp positions. IT was the only thing we could come up with on such short notice. But the inconvenience of it angers me.
Daniel and I’ve been working our ass off trying to stay afloat. Things were starting to smooth out, and now with the bike being stolen it feels like the rugs been ripped out from under us.

Bike Description
Black bike
Vader 125 on the back of both sides.
Epoxy on Valve Cover
missing sticker on both sides of fuel tank
My husband is trying to get a job now that he is in remission from cancer. Having his vehicle stolen is the very last thing we need. If you, or anyone you know may have any information on the location of this bike. Please call Corning Police department : (530) 824- 7000