My Journey from Pain to Recovery
Recently, I had my experience with my first and hopefully only kidney infection. And of course when does this all happen? My entire Thanksgiving break. Read along while I take you on my journey.

From the Bladder to the Kidneys
Most people ask “How did it get so bad?” When I tell them. But here’s the thing, I never even knew I had a UTI! I had no signs or symptoms. I was doing things how I normally do, but I’ll be the first to admit, I definitely wasn’t drinking as much water as I should have been. But while it was a UTI, I didn’t know I had it, so I wasn’t taking steps to heal.

The blind decline
My husband and I looked back now that I’m on the road to recovery and we both saw signs of me not being ‘myself’ but at the time chalked it up to the stress and craziness of our schedules. My appetite was slowly declining, and I was more often than not much colder than him, which is rare. I was complaining of backpain, but usually not until the end of the day, so we figured it was just exhaustion.
It was my body trying to tell me to slow down and take care for myself. Well, it was the day after thanksgiving by this point, so I’ll do just that.

Back to work……?
Monday marked me having to go back to work after our thanksgiving break. At this point, the pain was dull but all the time now in my back. When I took deep breaths, it was painful. I wanted to just go home and lay down, but I was hoping that getting my body back into the swing of things would be just what it needed.
It wasn’t. Far from. I left early that day not even able to complete a full shift at work that first day back. I decided to call our Telehealth doctor via my work benefit’s. When the doctor called I described my symptoms and he said it was likely a kidney infection, and I should really be at the hospital. But we could try an antibiotic to see if it will work.
Thank goodness. I got strict orders to drink nothing but water until this is gone, but also the blessing to drink 1-2 cups of coffee to prevent caffeine headaches. My mother and my husband. (And my coworkers have been absolutely great about ensuring I listen and follow doctors orders with that.)
By the time I got antibiotics and myself at home, my body just gave out. It was as if It could take me as far as getting my cure, and then it was just going to force rest upon me. I made sure to call out of work and let them know what was going on. Thankfully, they were very understanding, and after having seen how I Was that day, they could tell I was in pain, wasn’t feeling good, even having a bit of brain fog at times. Nowhere near as sharp as I usually am.
Scared, In Pain, Weak
From the time I got home on Monday, until Wednesday late afternoon, I couldn’t go passed the living room. I was either on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket in front of the heater, or I was in my room, in bed, attempting to sleep.
But sleep wouldn’t come. Monday night, I cried myself to sleep, while my husband held me as close as he could. But I couldn’t get warm. And I couldn’t sleep. And when I breathe, it would be painful. And it wouldn’t stop at all.
Tuesday there wasn’t much change. I was hoping there would as it got closer to that 24 hour mark with the antibiotic. But there wasn’t, so I was forced to take yet another day off work.
Tuesday night was also the night I thought for sure I’d have to go to the ER. My Fever just kept climbing and getting closer to that mark. I still couldn’t sleep, but I would still close my eyes and try.
I must have at least fallen asleep for a short time, because I remember opening my eyes and feeling my body just drenched in sweat. I got up and used the bathroom, drying myself off, getting some water, and I stayed up for a few moments, just to process everything.

Road to Recovery’
Even though my fever broke, the pain was still there. I went back to bed and tried to sleep until at least 5am. Wednesday I noticed my energy levels were climbing back up. Instead of laying on the couch, doom scrolling on my phone or watching TV, I was actually on my laptop, or I even played the Xbox. Things I didn’t even have the energy for 24 hours prior.
My husband had this day off, so he spent his time with me. We started a game together, and he supported me if I wanted to go outside and get air, or if I Was hungry but couldn’t eat a lot of food. He was there, supporting me do the things I had the energy for, and then picking up the pieces when my energy would be on the decline.
I’d say around 4-5pm approx. Is when I noticed, everything was easier. Walking, talking, breathing, eating. I felt much better. I made sure to put everything in motion so I could go back to work the next day. Every day since then has just been better and better, back to my ‘normal’ accept still drinking lots of water, even getting my allotted water intake for the day, and then some!