My Miscarriage Weekend
A few posts back, I mentioned about how I was going through another miscarriage. Well, since that post, nothing has actually processed. I’m still pregnant, with a fetus that isn’t growing. Until Monday.

See, on Monday, If nothing happens naturally, they have given me a pill to take, to flush my system, since my body is slow to get the signal to process the miscarriage, and I really do not want surgery. However. On Friday, I started spotting, and its gradually gotten heavier intermittently over the weekend. Apparently, my body processes these things extremely slowly.
Heres just a small rundown of how I felt throughout the process.
Overall I felt normal, with the spotting starting Friday Afternoon.
Saturday I woke up with some cramping, and the bleeding being a bit heavier, so I thought for sure that day was THE day. But by noon the spotting and cramps had completely stopped.
Sunday I woke up with a bit more consistent bleeding, but still no cramping or really anything else. I made plans with my aunt to have breakfast with them before they head back to Humboldt county. I figured it would be good to have a nice filling breakfast in my stomach to help give me the strength and energy get me through the process.

Monday I woke up with no cramping or spotting. IT all literally just stopped. It makes me feel a little bit better as I was having anxiety thinking about going to a restaurant with active miscarriage bleeding.
Meds were taken at 10:30. I made sure my husband was aware of the time I took the medication, as well as the time in which I would need to take more medication.
It took about 2-3 hours for it to fully kick in, and by 1:30 the cramps were getting very intense. I was able to play a game on our xbox for a while but ultimately, I wound up just laying around, relaxing with a heating pad. Eventually, by around 6:30, the cramps had died down and I had passed what looked to be everything.
Today is Tuesday now, and O still have some cramping, but they overall tolerable. I still plan on taking it easy today, but I’m very thankful the hardest part is finally over.
Goodbye my baby.

I’m so sorrY FOR YOUR LOSS