basic blanket repair

basic blanket repair

When Daniel and I first started living together, we stayed in a room that was basically the size of a small office cubicle. The inside wasn’t insulated, so we had a small heater we used for warmth, and we also had this very warm blue checkered blanket. You know how babies have a special blanket?…

soda Can Cake

soda Can Cake

Ever want a cake but never have the eggs or oil? Yeah. Same. End of the month is usually kind of difficult in my house. But I’ve also gotten into the habit of picking up the cheap cake mixes whenever they’re on sale. So there’s many times I have a cake mix, but if its…

Homemade Citrus Cleaner

Homemade Citrus Cleaner

Vinegar. Its probably one of if not the most natural cleaner you can use. Personally? I have a spray bottle that I have with part white vinegar, part dawn platinum soap, and the rest water. But no matter what, it always has that strong vinegar smell when you spray it, and for some that vinegar…

DIY Scrub

DIY Scrub

I’m not normally the type of person who is eager to make these DIY beauty hacks, and things. But a coworker was educating me on the benefits of a sugar scrub, and that sat in the back of my mind for a good few weeks until one stormy day I decided it was time to…

Candle Making

When I was a kid, both my parents smoked. and my parents (mostly my dad) went through these phases where he’d make an attempt at making the house smell better by recycling candles. Any candles my mother would get from work as gifts would get melted down and placed in a large mason jar. Well,…


Hello! And welcome to my blog! This blog is designed as a way to keep my homesteading adventures all in one place. Recipes, fails, wins, and everything in-between. A bit about me, I am a preschool teacher, and mother of two kids, and a wife to an Internet guru. In my spare time you can usually…