Refresh Your Day with Unsweet Iced Tea
Growing up, my dad drank 2 things. Coffee, or Sweet tea. and as a kid, I remember loving sweet tea, but as I’ve grown up, I can’t hardly stand it anymore.
Often times, if I notice myself drinking one to many cans of Pepsi, I’ll make myself a batch of tea to drink anytime I want a soda. And you wouldn’t think that’d work well considering the carbonation is missing, but the iced unsweet tea is so refreshing that it just hits those same receptors that the soda did for me.
Brewing tea Methods:

Sun Tea
Sun tea is one of my favorite and easiest. I’m Always making sun tea in the summer. I take 7-8 tea bags and tie them together, I put them in a gallon sized pickle jar, putting the lid on and sticking them somewhere in the sun. I leave my jar out for a few hours, or until it looks like well…tea.

Boiled Tea
This is the tea I’ll typically make in the winter due to the lack of sun. I take 7-8 tea bags and fill a big pot with water, putting it on the stove, and turning it off when the water starts to boil. Once its had a chance to cool, add the tea to your pitcher, filling the rest of the pitcher with water.
Which one?
Honestly, the end result, in my opinion tastes the same. In the summer, when I’m rarely in the kitchen, I prefer to make Sun tea. It also uses less electricity which is also nice. If your also struggling to stop drinking soda, I urge you to try a nice glass of cold unsweet tea when you crave one, and let me know in the comments below if it helped curb that craving!