Savory Sausage and Potatoes: A Budget-Friendly Delight
I feel like this is one of those recipes that everyone has their own twist to. To be perfectly honest? Its one of those dishes I’m not a huge fan of. But after the recent events of the last few days (see This post for more information) I figured I might as well find a way of making this to where at least I could stand to eat it.

I got some smoked sausage from dollar general. And I know my husband, being the German he is loves sausage and potatoes. So I knew he’d love it.

4-5 Russet Potatoes, diced
1 package smoked sausage, sliced
5-6 Pieces Canadian Bacon, chopped
1/4 Onion, Chopped
Cheese (Optional)
Salt, Pepper, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, to taste.
Worstrisure sauce

I should also preface this by saying I cooked this using my cast iron frying pan. The first thing I added was a tiny bit of lard, just to ensure the potatoes wouldn’t stick (my cast iron pan is still fairy knew, and hasn’t had years of use and seasoning). Once the pan was nice and hot I added in the onions and potatoes pretty much back to back. Once the potatoes were in I seasoned them. And personally, I heavily season potatoes because I feel like often times they don’t taste like much of anything but bland blandness.
When I feel like they might be starting to stick to the pan, I go ahead and give the whole thing a mix. I did that pretty regularly, until the potatoes were done to my liking. The thing I noticed most with this recipe is that I added just anything I had in the freezer that I thought would go well. Mushrooms would be awesome in this, so would maybe Zucchini, or Carrots.
In the end, not only did everyone enjoy it but there WERE NO LEFTOVERS! I actually made the perfect amount this time, so there were no leftovers to put away in the end, which I’m always thankful for.
Anyways. Even if your like me and your not a huge fan of the sausage…or the taters. Try making this yourself and see if you can make it in a way that at least makes it tolerable for you. And if you do, What did you add?