soda Can Cake
Ever want a cake but never have the eggs or oil? Yeah. Same. End of the month is usually kind of difficult in my house. But I’ve also gotten into the habit of picking up the cheap cake mixes whenever they’re on sale. So there’s many times I have a cake mix, but if its the end of the month, I may not have eggs. But then I discovered this amazing hack that makes a cake coming out so moist, but its so easy that this is a great recipe to have your children help with! My son is going to turn 6 in March, and other than opening the can, he was able to pour and mix the ingredients all by himself.
- 1 Can Soda (your choice)
- 1 box cake mix (also your choice. I’m using Chocolate)
Preheat oven and bake oven according to box instructions. This particular cake was in a 9×13 pan, and was baked at 350 degrees for approximately 38 minutes or so.

And frosting, sure. If you wanna add frosting, go for it. When I make a soda can cake, I either make a glaze to pour over the top, or when I’m doing chocolate, sometimes I’ll just sprinkle some powdered sugar over the top. When I was a cafeteria assistant we would make “Wacky Cake” which also uses no eggs, and instead of a frosting we would ALWAYS put powdered sugar over the top. The kids LOVE it. And it allows you to pick it up and eat it with your hands thus not dirtying any more dishes (which mom usually loves too!)