Kitchen Hacks

Kitchen Hacks

Recently, for reasons I’ve already discussed in THIS post, our families food budget has been reduced a bit, and were looking for ways to make things last longer. And my ritual when I get home from work is to sit, and check my blog views, and video views, while watching a video that has been…

Garden Update-June

Garden Update-June

Its June, and my garden is doing Amazing things! I’ve even started harvesting a bit! Its been so exciting how well its been doing so far. But I can already tell the heat is going to be a struggle. Now, you might wanna go read my other posts about my gardens so you know what’s…

DIY Lavender Fabric Softener: A Simple Guide to Fresh, Natural Laundry
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DIY Lavender Fabric Softener: A Simple Guide to Fresh, Natural Laundry

When I saw this recipe in my homesteading book, I saw the measurements and at first was like ‘man, I don’t think I have enough at the moment’ . I was fully prepared to go out to my lavender plant, which, I don’t think is really enjoying this Redding heat, and grab some more lavender…

The GOOD coleslaw

The GOOD coleslaw

I am very particular when it comes to coleslaw. I think that 90% of the ones I’ve had put far too much sugar in it, or worse. They use that absolutely horrid ingredient……miracle whip. But one time I made shrimp tacos, and something felt wrong about topping it with the traditional taco toppings. So, I…