Tomatoes and Strawberries
Almost 13 years ago I became a mom when I gave birth to my daughter. I got pregnant with her just over a year of dating her father (my now husband) . We were engaged at the time. Fast forward like 2 more years, and my daughter is a great eater, having an obsession with tomatoes specifically. She couldn’t get enough! So, I planted some for her! Since that first year I’ve grown two tomato plants for her every year.

Well, When I had my son 6 years later; I didn’t want him to miss out on that same experience. By that point I had realized I had started a tradition. Family traditions are important to my husband and I, no matter how big, or small. What was I going to do for my son? Well… didn’t take long for me to learn how much my son ADORED strawberries. I had my answer. That summer, I got a strawberry plant for him.

My daughter will be 13 in June, and my son is 6. Each of them got 2 plants. And some of the tomatoes are already growing! As well as the Strawberries! I need to plant them, and get some more potting soil and fertilizer for them to give them the best chance.

For my soil and manure, I got Miracle Grow Garden soil, as well as chicken manure. I planted my tomatoes with my zucchini. While they aren’t “companion plants” They like similar soil, light, and nutrients. Not to mention the are that I planted them I’ve been working on the dirt for about a year now, so I’m hoping between the dirt, and the garden soil, and the chicken manure, I’ll get a good yield of tomatoes, zucchini and Strawberries this year. (And blackberries for my hubby if I’m lucky)
How’s it going? Well, still too early to tell. We had a weird bout of cold, rainy weather this last weekend, but as the week progresses were supposed to see temps reaching 90! Which, is what it normally is around these parts. So I’m hoping I’ll see some growth as the temperatures stabilize and the plants get used to being in the ground (and in the case of the strawberries, in a pot with loads more room).
What did you plant in your garden this year?