Transform Scraps into Beautiful Homemade Paper: A Step-by-Step Guide

Transform Scraps into Beautiful Homemade Paper: A Step-by-Step Guide

You know the junk mail you always just throw away? What if there was a way to transform that into something beautiful? I was scrolling Pinterest one evening, while watching tv with Daniel. That’s when I found this smart use of a dollar store splatter guard. They used it to make paper, and other than…

Discover the Art of Wax Melts: A Beginner’s Guide to Creating Fragrant Home Ambiance
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Discover the Art of Wax Melts: A Beginner’s Guide to Creating Fragrant Home Ambiance

One of my very first posts was about making Candles. And I still do make candles, but when I make candles, I like them to have interesting vessels. Like a teacup for example. So For those I typically go to the thrift store, which I haven’t been to as of lately. So what’s a gal…

Organize Your Groceries with an Innovative Hanging Bag Holder
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Organize Your Groceries with an Innovative Hanging Bag Holder

When I was a kid, my grandma loved crafting things for her craft fare. Every year she tried to learn and provide a new craft at her fares, Whatever was left over, she’d also use as Christmas gifts too. Recently, I’ve been wanting to work on my sewing skills. I feel like its an important…

Garden Tea

Garden Tea

You don’t have space for a compost, or maybe you don’t have the patience. I can relate to both reasonings. I was in a similar predicament until I saw a Facebook video while scrolling my feed. They soaked banana peels in water for 8 hours and it was a great fertilizer for their house plants….

DIY Lavender Fabric Softener: A Simple Guide to Fresh, Natural Laundry
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DIY Lavender Fabric Softener: A Simple Guide to Fresh, Natural Laundry

When I saw this recipe in my homesteading book, I saw the measurements and at first was like ‘man, I don’t think I have enough at the moment’ . I was fully prepared to go out to my lavender plant, which, I don’t think is really enjoying this Redding heat, and grab some more lavender…

DIY Bowl Covers

DIY Bowl Covers

Growing up my grandma always had a hack, buying shower caps and using them as bowl covers. Over the years I’ve seen DIY’s take it upon themselves to make super cute ones with their machine. And I’ve been wanting to do a simple quick project with my machine and I thought these would be perfect….