Stitching Serenity: My Heartfelt Journey with Crochet and Knitting
Recently, my daughter got into crochet, and is proving to be quite good at it. Watching her crochet reminded me of my time with the yarn hobbies. Unfortunately, crocheting never came natural to me. I struggled with it every time. With big needles, little ones, didn’t seem to matter. Crochet Struggles I can remember watching…

Celebrate the Season: Discover Timeless Christmas Traditions
Every family has some traditions, even if they don’t realize it. And even the tiniest things can be considered traditions. Being married to Daniel epically, and looking at how he sees Christmas, it has really helped me go from enjoying the present and gift giving part, to like really savoring that extra time we all…

Celebrating Togetherness: Unveiling Heartwarming Thanksgiving Traditions
Every family has their version of thanksgiving Traditions. For some, its going somewhere, for others its what you cook that day, or what you do. In the 14 holidays Daniel and I have spent together, we have kind of made our own family traditions. Some have stayed the same, where others have evolved and changed…

Embrace the Change: Tips for a Seamless Transition into Fall
Where we are in Northern California, its taking longer for it to warm up, so your finally starting to see some of the cute fall outfits now. Personally, I’ve finally dug out my Ugg fuzzy boots, and my favorite pair of borderline PJ leggings. I’ve started to notice that at 6:45 when I’m typically checking…

Celebrating 15 Years of Togetherness: A Journey of Love and Commitment
It was Sometime in August or September when we started talking. But it was November 2nd 2009 when we went on our first date. We’ve been together ever since. Because of our wedding date; December 15th 2010, we have a tendency to celebrate our Anniversary on November 2nd. On our actual wedding anniversary, we’ve created…