Organize Your Groceries with an Innovative Hanging Bag Holder
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Organize Your Groceries with an Innovative Hanging Bag Holder

When I was a kid, my grandma loved crafting things for her craft fare. Every year she tried to learn and provide a new craft at her fares, Whatever was left over, she’d also use as Christmas gifts too. Recently, I’ve been wanting to work on my sewing skills. I feel like its an important…

DIY Lavender Fabric Softener: A Simple Guide to Fresh, Natural Laundry
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DIY Lavender Fabric Softener: A Simple Guide to Fresh, Natural Laundry

When I saw this recipe in my homesteading book, I saw the measurements and at first was like ‘man, I don’t think I have enough at the moment’ . I was fully prepared to go out to my lavender plant, which, I don’t think is really enjoying this Redding heat, and grab some more lavender…

Deliciously Simple Chocolate Cake Mix: Bake Your Perfect Treat Today!
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Deliciously Simple Chocolate Cake Mix: Bake Your Perfect Treat Today!

Normally a boxed cake mix is part of every grocery list, there great to have on hand if you need to whip up a quick cake, or cookies, or whatever the case may be. And what’s funny, is with my love for homemade, and homesteading, making a cake mix from scratch didn’t even occur to…