Homestead Haven: Essential January Planting for a Self-Sufficient Garden
Now that its a new year, and now that I’ve harvested my carrots (the full harvest plus regrowing journey: HERE) It got me to thinking what I should be planting in January for my spring or summer garden. Some seeds take a while to get started, so I did some investigating.
I was looking at my zone, and what plants would do best being planted in January. I’ll be trying to start these things from seed, so we will hopefully have some success.
Finding your zone
Before your able to determine what you should plant, it helps to know what ‘Zone’ your in. That will help you figure out what plants grow well in your area. To be perfectly honest, I had no idea what my zone was until recently, when a friend posted the website on facebook!
Starting from Seed
This year, I will be starting a few more things from seed. I did some homework before hand, both looking at people in my area, what is common to plant in January, and what my family would actually utilize.

Green Onion
I can remember as a kid my mom having a front yard full of wild green onions. We had so many in the yard it drove my mom nuts. We never could use them all. I remember finally putting two and two together and would happily harvest them if mom ever needed green onion for a recipe she was making.

I’m also going to try growing spinach. I’m going to do some research before I determine where it will grow. But I’m growing lettuce beautifully so far, and Daniel really enjoys spinach, and its a veggie that I really need to be better about eating. So, were gonna give it a shot!

This one might sound crazy, since often times you see them everywhere. But I want to purposefully plant it because I want to be able to harvest the entire weed. Different parts can be used for different things, and that’s something that I want to try.
Anything Else?
That’s not all I’m planning for my garden, by any means. Just, that’s what was recommended to start in January, from seed. There are other plans I plan on growing that I’ll be purchasing as a seedling, such as Tomatoes, probably some Zucchini, and I’m honestly iffy on if I’m going to try growing cucumbers again. Its the one thing I tend to have bad luck with. But considering how much I’ve learned, I’m willing to give it a shot this year.
Are you planting anything in Janurary?