The Day My Knee Gave Up
I am in many ways a lot like my father. I can be stubborn, and I don’t always listen to when my body is telling me to take it easy or to rest. Theres also times when I think my body can do more than what it actually can. To say I’m a true stubborn Brooks is an understatement.
Your average day
It started pretty average. I got up and did my typical morning routine, nothing out of the ordinary and when I got to work, I got in my snack drawer and got my oatmeal granola bar for breakfast. I felt refreshed though. Daniel and I had gone on a date that weekend, and we both had a great time.
Sandbox of Doom
Honestly though, it wasn’t the sandbox’s fault. One of the children had asked me to follow them somewhere, and then another one, deciding to be silly, dumped sand on my boots. Well me, trying to be silly and playful decided I was going to jump and get the sand off my boots. And I did. And the kids laughed, as I knew they would, as I had done this countless times before. Everything went fine, until I landed and could feel an immediate sharp pain instantly. I had just enough strength to lower myself down to the ground.

I was just about to go on my lunch break, so after a couple deep breaths, I hobbled over to the time clock and grabbed an Ice Pack on my way back to my desk. Instantly, I propped my leg up on my desk and iced my knee the entire 30 minute break. I also took, 2 Ibuprofen, hoping to reduce the swelling. I made it through most of the day, finally going home at 2:30, hoping that keeping off it the rest of the day, the pain would go away and things would return to normal.
The Next Day
The next day the pain was worse. Even though I was hopeful, I cant say I was surprised. Everyone at work was begging me to go to the doctor, but I simply had no way to get there, and I was sure the pain was going to go away, and just needed time. After all, it wasn’t bruised, just a bit swollen, and I walked with a bit of a struggle.

The end of Friday, I had decided if the pain was still there Monday afternoon, I’d go to the doctor, as it might be something a bit more serious. Thankfully this weekend was also a 3 day weekend, so I even had an extra day to rest my knee if I needed to, but I was really praying that with the R.I.C.E treatment, everything would be fine and I’d be back to normal.
Come Tuesday morning thankfully I have been spending most of my time without my knee brace on, and I only put it on when it really starts to bother me. When I’m home, Daniel is really good about helping me out if I need to stay off it for a bit. Right now, I’m going to let my knee lead the way, and tell me when I need the extra support.