The GOOD coleslaw

The GOOD coleslaw

I am very particular when it comes to coleslaw. I think that 90% of the ones I’ve had put far too much sugar in it, or worse. They use that absolutely horrid ingredient……miracle whip. But one time I made shrimp tacos, and something felt wrong about topping it with the traditional taco toppings. So, I…

DIY Bowl Covers

DIY Bowl Covers

Growing up my grandma always had a hack, buying shower caps and using them as bowl covers. Over the years I’ve seen DIY’s take it upon themselves to make super cute ones with their machine. And I’ve been wanting to do a simple quick project with my machine and I thought these would be perfect….

Deliciously Simple Chocolate Cake Mix: Bake Your Perfect Treat Today!
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Deliciously Simple Chocolate Cake Mix: Bake Your Perfect Treat Today!

Normally a boxed cake mix is part of every grocery list, there great to have on hand if you need to whip up a quick cake, or cookies, or whatever the case may be. And what’s funny, is with my love for homemade, and homesteading, making a cake mix from scratch didn’t even occur to…

Fried Zucchini

Fried Zucchini

Good news everyone! I’ve harvested my first Zucchini! I thought about saving it, and putting it in a stir fry, but I decided that I’d make something that I could see my family really enjoying instead. They don’t mind it in the stir fry, but they certainly weren’t a fan of it either. hat particular…

Garden Update: May

Garden Update: May

My garden has been in for a few weeks now, if not a month already and wow have there been changes! I’m so ecstatic because most of them are good, no…GREAT changes too. Now for a refresher on what I planted, go see my other post about my garden HERE My sunflower is growing tall,…

Turn Bread Heels into Homemade Breadcrumbs: Waste Less, Enjoy More!

Turn Bread Heels into Homemade Breadcrumbs: Waste Less, Enjoy More!

Does anyone out there actually enjoy the heels of the bread ? For me, its my least favorite piece. And because I have the attitude “Waste not want not” When it gets to those pieces I will usually wind up putting them in the freezer. And very rarely will I use them. I don’t think…