Discover the Art of Wax Melts: A Beginner’s Guide to Creating Fragrant Home Ambiance
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Discover the Art of Wax Melts: A Beginner’s Guide to Creating Fragrant Home Ambiance

One of my very first posts was about making Candles. And I still do make candles, but when I make candles, I like them to have interesting vessels. Like a teacup for example. So For those I typically go to the thrift store, which I haven’t been to as of lately. So what’s a gal…

Garden Update: August

Garden Update: August

Would you believe I’ve written this dang post 3 different times? Three! Huge thanks to WordPress for not saving the draft like I told it too. Some my garden updates for this month aren’t so depressing this time, YAY! My yellow squash plant, which was only producing male flowers for 85% of this summer, finally…

Bacon Cabbage Rice

Bacon Cabbage Rice

July 28th marked my husbands 32nd birthday. And its a long standing tradition that you pick dinner on your birthday. Daniel has a favorite I make, and its called Bacon, Cabbage, Rice. I learned the recipe from a friend of mine, and it was THE recipe that got Daniel eating rice again (for those who…

Garden Update-June

Garden Update-June

Its June, and my garden is doing Amazing things! I’ve even started harvesting a bit! Its been so exciting how well its been doing so far. But I can already tell the heat is going to be a struggle. Now, you might wanna go read my other posts about my gardens so you know what’s…

DIY Lavender Fabric Softener: A Simple Guide to Fresh, Natural Laundry
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DIY Lavender Fabric Softener: A Simple Guide to Fresh, Natural Laundry

When I saw this recipe in my homesteading book, I saw the measurements and at first was like ‘man, I don’t think I have enough at the moment’ . I was fully prepared to go out to my lavender plant, which, I don’t think is really enjoying this Redding heat, and grab some more lavender…