Transform Scraps into Beautiful Homemade Paper: A Step-by-Step Guide

Transform Scraps into Beautiful Homemade Paper: A Step-by-Step Guide

You know the junk mail you always just throw away? What if there was a way to transform that into something beautiful? I was scrolling Pinterest one evening, while watching tv with Daniel. That’s when I found this smart use of a dollar store splatter guard. They used it to make paper, and other than…

Garden Update: August

Garden Update: August

Would you believe I’ve written this dang post 3 different times? Three! Huge thanks to WordPress for not saving the draft like I told it too. Some my garden updates for this month aren’t so depressing this time, YAY! My yellow squash plant, which was only producing male flowers for 85% of this summer, finally…

An Infertility Journey

An Infertility Journey

Growing up, I always knew two things. 1. I wanted to be happily married and 2. I wanted more than one child. Being an only child was great at times, but other times it sucked. I didn’t want my child to have the same loneliness growing up that I had. I watched my husbands relationship…

Bacon Cabbage Rice

Bacon Cabbage Rice

July 28th marked my husbands 32nd birthday. And its a long standing tradition that you pick dinner on your birthday. Daniel has a favorite I make, and its called Bacon, Cabbage, Rice. I learned the recipe from a friend of mine, and it was THE recipe that got Daniel eating rice again (for those who…

Garden Update- July

Garden Update- July

This heatwave has put quite the bump in the road for my garden. At first, i noticed it was just my little flower sprouts that didn’t like it. That I could understand, I started them pretty late. But then I noticed my zucchini wasn’t enjoying it, my blooms were starting to slow down drastically. My…