Discover the Art of Wax Melts: A Beginner’s Guide to Creating Fragrant Home Ambiance
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Discover the Art of Wax Melts: A Beginner’s Guide to Creating Fragrant Home Ambiance

One of my very first posts was about making Candles. And I still do make candles, but when I make candles, I like them to have interesting vessels. Like a teacup for example. So For those I typically go to the thrift store, which I haven’t been to as of lately. So what’s a gal…

The GOOD coleslaw

The GOOD coleslaw

I am very particular when it comes to coleslaw. I think that 90% of the ones I’ve had put far too much sugar in it, or worse. They use that absolutely horrid ingredient……miracle whip. But one time I made shrimp tacos, and something felt wrong about topping it with the traditional taco toppings. So, I…