Discover the Art of Wax Melts: A Beginner’s Guide to Creating Fragrant Home Ambiance
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Discover the Art of Wax Melts: A Beginner’s Guide to Creating Fragrant Home Ambiance

One of my very first posts was about making Candles. And I still do make candles, but when I make candles, I like them to have interesting vessels. Like a teacup for example. So For those I typically go to the thrift store, which I haven’t been to as of lately. So what’s a gal…

Organize Your Groceries with an Innovative Hanging Bag Holder
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Organize Your Groceries with an Innovative Hanging Bag Holder

When I was a kid, my grandma loved crafting things for her craft fare. Every year she tried to learn and provide a new craft at her fares, Whatever was left over, she’d also use as Christmas gifts too. Recently, I’ve been wanting to work on my sewing skills. I feel like its an important…

My Miscarriage Weekend

My Miscarriage Weekend

A few posts back, I mentioned about how I was going through another miscarriage. Well, since that post, nothing has actually processed. I’m still pregnant, with a fetus that isn’t growing. Until Monday. See, on Monday, If nothing happens naturally, they have given me a pill to take, to flush my system, since my body…

Vito Turns 6!

Vito Turns 6!

This last week my Rainbow baby turned 6. He’s been in the world just as long as it took to conceive him. After my daughter was born, we discovered I had PCOS when my husband and I were trying for a baby with absolutely no luck. It also helped make since of a lot of…