Garden Update: August

Garden Update: August

Would you believe I’ve written this dang post 3 different times? Three! Huge thanks to WordPress for not saving the draft like I told it too. Some my garden updates for this month aren’t so depressing this time, YAY! My yellow squash plant, which was only producing male flowers for 85% of this summer, finally…

Garden Update- July

Garden Update- July

This heatwave has put quite the bump in the road for my garden. At first, i noticed it was just my little flower sprouts that didn’t like it. That I could understand, I started them pretty late. But then I noticed my zucchini wasn’t enjoying it, my blooms were starting to slow down drastically. My…

Garden Update-June

Garden Update-June

Its June, and my garden is doing Amazing things! I’ve even started harvesting a bit! Its been so exciting how well its been doing so far. But I can already tell the heat is going to be a struggle. Now, you might wanna go read my other posts about my gardens so you know what’s…

The GOOD coleslaw

The GOOD coleslaw

I am very particular when it comes to coleslaw. I think that 90% of the ones I’ve had put far too much sugar in it, or worse. They use that absolutely horrid ingredient……miracle whip. But one time I made shrimp tacos, and something felt wrong about topping it with the traditional taco toppings. So, I…

Fried Zucchini

Fried Zucchini

Good news everyone! I’ve harvested my first Zucchini! I thought about saving it, and putting it in a stir fry, but I decided that I’d make something that I could see my family really enjoying instead. They don’t mind it in the stir fry, but they certainly weren’t a fan of it either. hat particular…

Garden Update: May

Garden Update: May

My garden has been in for a few weeks now, if not a month already and wow have there been changes! I’m so ecstatic because most of them are good, no…GREAT changes too. Now for a refresher on what I planted, go see my other post about my garden HERE My sunflower is growing tall,…