Embrace the Change: Tips for a Seamless Transition into Fall

Embrace the Change: Tips for a Seamless Transition into Fall

Where we are in Northern California, its taking longer for it to warm up, so your finally starting to see some of the cute fall outfits now. Personally, I’ve finally dug out my Ugg fuzzy boots, and my favorite pair of borderline PJ leggings. I’ve started to notice that at 6:45 when I’m typically checking…

My Journey Through Genetic Counseling: Insights and Reflections

My Journey Through Genetic Counseling: Insights and Reflections

After The results came back from the Miscarriage, my doctor wanted me to go to Genetic counseling. At first, it was a huge relief, I felt like I might actually get some answers. The appointment wasn’t for a few weeks, but waiting should be no big deal, after all I’ve been waiting how long already?…

Celebrating 15 Years of Togetherness: A Journey of Love and Commitment

Celebrating 15 Years of Togetherness: A Journey of Love and Commitment

It was Sometime in August or September when we started talking. But it was November 2nd 2009 when we went on our first date. We’ve been together ever since. Because of our wedding date; December 15th 2010, we have a tendency to celebrate our Anniversary on November 2nd. On our actual wedding anniversary, we’ve created…

October Garden Update

October Garden Update

Well, this month we’ve had some unexpected changes, both good and bad. There have been significant changes to the garden, additions, new placements, and the thought of something new coming up down the road. Lettuce and Carrots The lettuce and carrots have now moved to their more permanent home, in the ground. There’s still one…

How to Properly Freeze Onions for Long-Term Storage
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How to Properly Freeze Onions for Long-Term Storage

Recently I asked myself why I wasn’t freezing a few things. Namely, potatoes and onions. I use them often enough to buy in bulk, but not often enough to actually go through them in a reasonable amount of time. But I remember seeing something on Onions while I was researching how to freeze potatoes And…

Dry Rubs vs. Marinades: Which is Best for Flavor?

Dry Rubs vs. Marinades: Which is Best for Flavor?

Recently, my husband has been doing much more of the cooking lately. That is, until he got a side job. Which. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining by any means. But I’ve noticed something. The last few meals he’s made he’s marinaded the meat. We had Carne Asada tacos one night, and shrimp Tacos…